Nations forced to fight.

Hello everyone, in this article or blogpost i want to share something with you. i know it very well that you might know this already but lets just hear what i want to say on this. both of us i mean you and i are aware of the wars going on on this globe, i read that Iran has launched missile attack on Israel. and the only casualty was a person from Palestine, 

well what i have noticed in this Israel conflict is that Israel doesn't want to engage with Iran and vice versa, I think Israel doesn't want to get involved in a full fledged war with Iran, and for Iran I think the fear of America getting involved is stopping them from getting involved in a full fledged war.

But if this is true then this indicates that American deep state wants the war between Iran and Israel, here i am referring to the defence industry, you see America has a limitless supply of USD and every industry wants money but they need to sell something to get that money ryt? 

Now tell me, what would you sell as a defence industry when there's no offence anywhere? And other internal issues such as huge debt on USA and international pressure on USA to deal with this ever growing debt is forcing USA to encourage wars to distract other nations. 

What about the Nuclear weapons of Iran you might ask, well if Iran decides to deal with Israel I am pretty sure Iran can easily win without nuclear weapons, it's the USA who's in danger. You see if Iran successfully develops nuclear weapons then USA will be at the top of its hitlist. 

And you know that USA can't get involved in a war with a nation that's very far, USA can get involved only in an ongoing war, and can state "helping a week nation" as reason. Uncle sam !!, well if what I think is true and America is deperatly trying to initiate a large conflict then you and i will see the signs in next 2 or 3 months. 

Young men, who don’t even know each other, kill each other because of old men who do. I hope we will return back to a peaceful world but it'll never be possible without violence as for peace you need violence. 

Take care guys, that's gonna do it for this one seems you guys in next one till then stay safe stay healthy 

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