The purpose, The cause and The desire.

Few months ago we started this blog to provide the people an un-biased coverage on various topics and that too based on facts and only after fact checking the information, by deeply analyzing the "behind the scene" story.

I/we believe that main stream media hide some important facts from the audience to push propaganda and set a false narrative. that's why we The Veracity Sentinel came into existence... we hope you have already guessed what the title meant and what we will discuss in this particular blogpost, The purpose The cause and the desire of The veracity sentinel 

We were doing our work but recently we have realised that we should expand our coverage of topics or in other words we should provide unbiased info on topics such as culture, religion daily life style etc. to do this we will get the information from the very people that are affected or directly related to the topic, for example an Pakistani citizen will know Pakistan more then any Indian or American individual, you know what we mean here ? 

So from now on, The veracity Sentinel will feature articles on almost every topic that needs to have a fact based research, topics on which main stream media forces a false narrative. the information that we will provide will be collected and verified from different individuals/agencies so that we can put forward the reality not a nareative. 

I hope you'll support our efforts and dedication by sharing our articles on your social media 

Thanks !! 
The Veracity Sentinel 
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