Racism in America: A Critical Analysis

In this article we will analyse the issue of racism and discrimination faced by minorities in USA


Racism has been a pervasive issue in America since its inception. It has manifested itself in various forms, including slavery, segregation, and discrimination against marginalized communities. Despite progress in recent years, racism continues to be a major problem in American society.

The History of Racism in America:

Racism in America has its roots in the colonial era. White Americans were given social and legal privileges over other races and minorities. White Anglo-Saxon Protestants from Europe enjoyed exclusive privileges over others in education, voting rights, citizenships, etc³.

Throughout American history, marginalized communities have faced severe restrictions on their political, social, and economic freedoms. African Americans were enslaved until 1865 and even afterwards faced severe discrimination. Native Americans have suffered genocide, forced removals, and massacres and continue to face discrimination. Hispanics, Middle Eastern and Asian Americans along with Pacific Islanders have also been victims of discrimination¹.

The Current State of Racism in America:

Despite progress in recent years, racism continues to be a major problem in American society. Research has uncovered extensive evidence of racial discrimination in various sectors of modern US society, including the criminal justice system, business, the economy, housing, health care, the media, and politics¹.

There are several factors that contribute to racism in America. These include hierarchy, which emboldens people to think, feel and behave in racist ways; power, which legislates racism on both micro and macro levels; media, which legitimizes overrepresented and idealized representations of White Americans while marginalizing and minimizing people of color; and passivism, such that overlooking or denying the existence of racism encourages others to do the same⁴.


In conclusion, racism continues to be a major problem in American society. Despite progress in recent years, much work remains to be done to address this issue. It is important for all members of society to critically analyze the issue of racism and work towards creating a more just and equitable society.

Our take: 

We must say that USA should stop worrying about other countries, instead of commenting on internal matters of other countries, USA should focus on there own internal issues, on one hand USA is worried about the minorities and their rights in countries like China, and on the other hand USA ignores the basic human rights of minorities and of those humans who just have a higher percentage of melanin in there skin cells, USA needs to grow up !! 

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